Claudia Travassos


Cambridge Family Enterprise Group

Ms. Claudia Travassos is an advisor at Cambridge Advisors to Family Enterprise, a highly specialized global advisory firm serving family enterprises. Cambridge Advisors and Cambridge Institute for Family Enterprise, an education and research institute, are divisions of Cambridge Family Enterprise Group, a global organization founded in 1989. It is devoted to helping families and ownership groups navigate the new economy and achieve multigenerational success for their families, enterprises, and financial wealth.

Ms. Travassos has been advising multigenerational family enterprises of diverse sizes, generations and industries throughout Europe, Africa, and South America since 2012. She advises family-owned enterprises in the design and implementation of family strategies, governance structures, succession planning and family social impact strategies, always focusing on creating value for the family.

Prior to joining CFEG, Ms. Travassos worked for the Family Office of the infrastructure and logistics sector in Rio de Janeiro, where she developed and applied succession planning programs and development of the next generation, in addition to implementing the Family Governance System. Ms. Travassos has also managed organizational culture and strategic planning projects at a communication consulting firm. She worked as a facilitator at Banco Itaú, mediating organizational conflicts and dialogues about the impact of mergers on well-established cultures.

Ms. Travassos earned her JD from Vianna Junior School of Legal and Social Sciences, Brazil and her Executive Education in Management from University of St. Gallen, Switzerland. She attended the Organizational Development Program at FGV-SP, Governance in Family Businesses at PUC-RJ, ESG Committee at The Brazilian Institute of Corporate Governance (IBGC), Social Construction at The Taos Institute, and the Executive Education in Management program at the University of St. Gallen, Switzerland. Ms. Travassos is fluent in English and Portuguese.

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