Our thought leadership is a cornerstone of our approach. From over 30 years of working with families and family enterprises in over 70 countries, our conceptual understanding of families and their enterprises runs deep.
Families seek our assistance not only because we are strong problem solvers for their complex issues, but also because we know the most about how family systems function, what leads to their long-term health and success, and how to implement enduring change in them.
Our deep understanding of family enterprises is illustrated in our insights, writing, education, frameworks and grounded recommendations, which we regularly develop as we improve upon what is known about family enterprises and how they succeed for multiple generations. Visit our Library to read our latest insights.
Three-Circle Model of the Family Business System

This framework clarifies, in simple, graphic terms, the three interdependent and overlapping groups (family, business and owners) that comprise the family business system. As a result of the overlap of these groups, there are seven interest groups, each with its own legitimate viewpoints, goals and dynamics. The Model reminds us that the views of each sector must be respected and integrated in order to set direction for the family business system. The long-term success of family business systems depends on the functioning and mutual support of each of these groups.
Its durability is because it is simple, has immediate face validity and captures enough complexity in family business systems to help researchers, academics, managers and families think more clearly about the strengths and challenges of these systems.
Before the Three-Circle Model, when the family business field first started, the few thinkers about family businesses were focused almost entirely on the business itself. Before too long, there was an understanding that family dynamics were influential in the business and vice versa, so researchers thought about two circles: family and business. People were already starting to think about a system where what happens in the family influences the business and vice versa.
However, they ignored the importance of ownership factors. The addition of the third circle (Ownership) allowed much more attention to other issues that couldn't be explained by the first two circles. Linking the family, business and ownership circles fully defined what a family business system is, which is the interaction of all three of these subsystems.