Pablo Aure
Senior Advisor and Associate Partner
Cambridge Family Enterprise Group
Pablo Aure Fariñez is a senior advisor and associate partner at Cambridge Advisors to Family Enterprise, a highly specialized global advisory firm serving family enterprises. Cambridge Advisors and Cambridge Institute for Family Enterprise, an education and research institute, are divisions of Cambridge Family Enterprise Group, a global organization founded in 1989. It is devoted to helping families and ownership groups navigate the new economy and achieve multigenerational success for their families, enterprises, and financial wealth.
Mr. Aure is an expert in governance for family businesses, including design, strengthening, and development of forums such as Family Councils, Boards of Directors and Advisory Boards. He also serves as a facilitator of family dynamics, particularly during times of change such as generational transitions and in the creation of new ventures.
He holds the following certificates: Corporate Governance Board Leadership Training Resources, Training the Trainer (ToT), International Financial Corporation (IFC). He is also trained in Systemic Family Therapy and Family Configurations from the Asgard Institute. Mr. Aure is a member of the Family Firm Institute (FFI) and holds the Certificate in Family Business Advising and the Advanced Certificate in Family Business Advising. Additionally, he is a fellow member of the FFI Boston, USA, and a member of the Private Director Association, South Florida Chapter, USA.
Mr. Aure is the author of published articles in Latin America. He co-authored the books “Las Familias Empresarias Iberoamericanas” (FEI, 2022) and “La Empresa Familiar, un mapa para la sostenibilidad” (Legeris, 2022). He serves as a visiting professor in the advanced leadership and management programs for family businesses at IESA, Venezuela. In addition, he acts as a Board member for privately held family enterprises in Latin America.
Mr. Aure earned his master’s degrees in international cooperation and project management from the University of Malaga, Spain, and a specialization in international business from the Metropolitan University of Caracas in Venezuela. He earned his bachelor’s degree in international studies from the Central University in 2001 in Caracas, Venezuela. He is fluent in English and Spanish.