João Bosco Silva

Senior Advisor and Partner CFEG Brazil

Leadership Team CFEG Brazil

J Bosco Silva is a senior advisor and partner at Cambridge Family Enterprise Group–Brazil, a highly specialized, international advisory, education, and research organization serving family enterprises founded in 1989. Cambridge Family Enterprise Group is devoted to helping families and ownership groups navigate the new economy and achieve multigenerational success for their families, enterprises, and financial wealth.

In 2012, Mr. Silva founded Bridge Business Advisors, a São Paulo-based consulting firm that advised business owners and senior executives on corporate strategy, performance management, and governance. He advised family-owned and closely-held companies of diverse sizes and industries on a range of issues including family and ownership governance, shareholder agreements, boards of directors for privately held businesses, financial planning for families and businesses, and succession planning. Mr. Silva has worked with family enterprises in preparing for generational transition and leadership succession. His expertise includes facilitating dialogue between generations.

In 2017, Bridge Business Advisors merged with Cambridge Family Enterprise Group–Brazil to serve Brazilian multigenerational families and family-owned businesses on business, family office, ownership, and family strategies. He advises families on critical issues related to generational transitions and facilitates key cross-generational discussions.

Earlier in his career, Mr. Silva was CEO of Votorantim Metals, one of the operating companies in a large, family-owned conglomerate in Brazil. He led the process of internationalization and growth of the company, as well as participated in the transition process from the second to the third generation. Previously, he was CEO of Alcan Aluminum do Brazil, and also worked in Montreal as Director of Performance Improvement for Alcan enterprises.

Mr. Silva serves as a board member or chairman of several Brazilian companies in the retail, agribusiness, food, mining, infrastructure, and services industries. He is active in the Brazilian business community as president of the Brazilian Aluminum Association, and adviser to Endeavour, an NGO that encourages and supports entrepreneurs with their start-up ventures. He is also an advisor at Gorceix Foundation which helps students finance their educational pursuits.

Mr. Silva earned his MBA from IMI, Switzerland, and graduated with a degree in Metallurgical Engineering from the Ouro Preto Mining School. He is fluent in his native Portuguese as well as English and Spanish.

[email protected]